Sunday, February 26, 2017

I remixed my old rap song

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Remix My Song! (俺の曲をリミックスしろ!)

Hi people. My name is Keita Roimo aka Kei Sugano, 菅野契, Suganology, 素人大学生.  My career as music composer has been for about seventeen years that I decided to tackle with something new.

Recently I launched a website to provide the non-compiled tracks of my song, each instrument is separated completely.

This website allows music composers the following:

1. BPM is clearly defined.
2. Each file is .wav format
3. You only need to download the zip file.
4. You can arrange or remix, or partially deploy it for your new composition.

These are actually free tracks. I came up with this idea because of the influence of Richard Stallman's free software.

Play it as you like!


Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Potato Chip Bounce

Saturday, February 4, 2017

gt : git commit hash number extraction tool

I have made a simple script to extract commit hash number via command line terminal (xcopy) to clipboard. The target OS is macOSX that you might need to alter the "xcopy" into your Unix-like client. I dont give a **** to the MS-Dos users.